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Re: Email Hack: Help.

> Assuming that the systems that have email daemons are Unix-based, you can
> use the 'hosts.allow' and 'hosts.deny' mechanism.

This assumes the use of tcpwrapper, which most email daemons don't use.  It
shouldn't be hard to firewall out the offending site though, once it's
tracked down.

Alan Batie                     ------        What goes up, must come down.
batie@aahz.jf.intel.com        \    /        Ask any system administrator.
+1 503-264-8844 (voice)         \  /         --unknown
D0 D2 39 0E 02 34 D6 B4          \/          5A 41 21 8F 23 5F 08 9D
